Experts Are Saying The Recent Increase Of Flight Cancellations & Delays Will Continue For The Next Decade. Also, The Sky Is Blue

NY Post- The recent spate of flight delays and cancellations may persist for as much as a decade — due to a shortage of some 32,000 pilots, mechanics and air traffic controllers, as well as “unrealistic scheduling” by airlines, according to an investigative report.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told CBS News his office is investigating several airlines for what a rep called “unrealistic scheduling,” which leads to a carrier’s inability to provide the expected service to the flying public.

Experts said the trend in staffing issues suggests that the problem could get a lot worse before it gets better — and could affect travelers for another decade.

“Some of the predictions I’m hearing is that the pilot shortage won’t be resolved until 2032 or something like that,” Dean Headley, one of the data and industry experts, told CBS News.

WELL THIS IS ALWAYS FUN TO SEE! "Expert says air travel will literally fucking suck for the next decade!" I mean obviously, but then again was I expecting any less? Now I don't know all the in's and out's of why flights have been beyond fucked recently, but we gotta figure this thing out. If there's a shortage of 32,000 pilots then why don't we just schedule less flights?!?! Shouldn't this be fairly easy?!?! Now granted this is coming from someone that is basically just using this blog headline to rant about what happened to him a few days ago at the Minneapolis airport so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right now.

I spent 16 hours there Sunday into early Monday morning only for my flight to not only be delayed a few times, but to then finally board, go out to the runway, and turn back in after 2 hours out there, deplane, cancel the flight, then wait at the gate until 3am till we got the vouchers for the hotel nearly 2 hours after we even deplaned THEN my flight on Monday got delayed again. It was hell yet I kept my cool. A lot of others weren't. It's a scary scene when people get feisty at the airports and now all I can pray is that we figure this thing out in the next decade?!? If not I'll just start driving to locations. I'd rather be driving than sitting in least you get to see the roadside attractions.

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